快速QA: 1.我的积分为什么没显示? 请确定一下你登陆的钱包地址和你质押时候的是不是同一个。 Please confirm whether the wallet address you logged in with is the same as the one you used for staking.
2.为什么没显示MERL? 目前只是积分查询,MERL还没公布,请耐心等待。 The currently announced is the points record. The number of MERLs will be announced later. Please wait patiently.
3.Evm钱包质押的如何最终领取MERL? 只要登录质押的evm钱包地址即可。MERL会空 Simply log in with the EVM wallet address that has been pledged. MERL will map the AA wallet address through the btc wallet
4.People's launchpad: 在本页面我们只支持查Merlin‘s seal的质押积分查询,其他的活动发放的merl,不是在这里领取的。具体可以咨询他们dc。 On this page, we only claim for Merlin's seal. Others are not claimed here.
5.关于如何领取第一期merl: 官方会直接空投的。 The official will airdrop directly.
Guide to Import TronLink to Metamask
Q:Airdrop 页面没法连接 Bybit 钱包
A:移动端 Bybit Wallet 需要更新至最新版本,如果还是无法连接的话,请在 PC 端使用 VPN 尝试连接
Q:申领了 MERL 但钱包里看不到 A:需要在钱包中自行导入 MERL 代币合约地址:0x5c46bFF4B38dc1EAE09C5BAc65872a1D8bc87378